Chi-Fi in the Time of Self-Righteous Indignation.

I have to say the timing of the folks over at eacoustics in impeccable.

So Kevin Deal at Upscale release his Video on Raven Audio giving us something to chew on in this forum and W. Jennings gives us this.



Every country in the world with a manufacturing base produces good products and bad products. I agree that using the term "Chi-fi" is a cheap shot against audio products manufactured in China. There is absolutely no excuse to use that term. 

With parts sources located all over earth, and quite often unknown labor sources perhaps its time to be honest and state, "Made in multiple countries."


What qualifies a product as being made in any particular country?  There is no standardized percentage of labor or parts a product has to contain to be considered made in any particular country. Marketing games being played here, not enough people aware of where products they're buying are actually from. I hear people talking about boycotting products from certain countries, well, better get rid of nearly every electronic device in your home, take off the clothes, run around naked. We're all consumers of products made all over this world, only ignorance makes one believe otherwise.