Unidentifiable popping sound

Not 100% sure it goes in this forum — apologies if there is a better place.

For 6 months now, something in my system is making a clicking/popping sound. It usually happens 15 minutes after I power things up, or about 10 minutes after I power them down. It can also happen spontaneously when everything is technically on standby. I actually have a recording of it, but not sure how to upload here. Any ideas?

Preamp — Nagra Jazz (possible) (it happened with both old and brand new tubes)
Amp — Nagra Classic Amp (possible)
DAC/Source — PS Audio Directstream (possible)
Phono stage — Pure Audio LV-1 (probably not)
TT — Clearaudio Concept (definitely not that)
Cables — Luna Orange (also, definitely not that)


party poopers

Model A driving by? Maybe a model T.. Retard the amps timing that will stop the popping. :-)

I had this problem with my PS Audio Directstream dac when using the bridge.  PS Audio was very helpful and sent me special firmware updates and a new bridge to try but the popping continued.  Finally, they took back the bridge.  Things sound very good even without it.