Schiit Aegir pre-amp recommendation

I have a newly acquired Aegir and currently matched to Kef Ls50s with a NAD 326BEE as the preamp.

Does anyone have any experience with a non-Schiit preamp that matches well with the Aegir?

My thoughts: I've had a lot amps in my day and I think the Aegir is pretty darn good for what it is especially if matched with a class A pre (like the 326bee). I like it's small form factor and for a small room with the KEF LS50s it is pretty satisfying. So I liked to match it with a high quality preamp with remote and phono pre. Hopefully it's small form also but this along with the phono pre are not deal breakers.

I was thinking LTA MZ2. I like it's small form and that it will bring in a little tube softness.

Any thoughts hopefully someone with experience


Parasound New Classic 200. With LS-50s you don't need any tube softness, you need accurate with a good top end. Good remote, thin unit, and MM or MC input. 

Thank you russ69.

This is an interesting choice and I see your logic. I appreciate it.

Admittedly I'm not an expert but I think most agree that the LS50s can deliver good accuracy and top end with the right components. I think the parasound could work...

I was thinking because the Schiit Aegir gets reviewed well with the freya (tube like) and the LS50s get glowing reviews with the croft integrated (tube like) that a tube pre would create good balance with the aegir and ls50s?

Any other thoughts from folks with the Aegir and maybe Kef ls50s.


I run LS50s, they could use some power and some top end, not the right choice for tubes, IMHO and I'm a tube guy. 

I was using a Topping pre90 with Benchmark AHB2 mono amps and LS50's (totally neutral). It was great. I just sold the Topping yesterday, which cost $600 new. I also used a Benchmark LA4 pre with the AHB2 and LS50. It sounded the same as the pre90. The LA4 is still better because it worked with all amps (plus more features) whereas the pre90 worked great with the AHB2 and Parasound A21+, a bunch of other amps had volume issues with the pre90. The Topping will be reviewed on Stereophile in Feb. So, it will not be a mystery component anymore.

I am putting my KRELL K-300i integrated on the LS50s now. Not because it is better than the per90 + AHB2 or LA4 + AHB2 combo, but because I did not want to sell the KRELL and needed a place to use it. It is a much warmer piece and also sounds good with the LS50, that extra bass from the KRELL is pretty nice.

I have  Freya+ in my bedroom, and pairing it with the LS50 is not something that I tried nor do I think will be great considering my preference for the neutral sound of the pre90, LA4, and the AHB2 with the LS50. The KRELL is close to being too tubey for the LS50 but it does not cross that line.