Words and Sound

Here are some examples of brands' names that sound rather similar to the sound of their equipment.

Hard/Cold/Analytical: Focal, Kef, Bowers & Wilkins, Klipsh, JBL, Wilson, Magico, Tannoy, Splendor, Yamaha, Altec, KLH, Triangle, Alta,Totem, Monitor Audio, Luxman, Krell, Schiit,

Neutral: Tannoy, Naim, Accuphase, Hegel, Pass Labs, Marantz, Rotel

Soft/Warm/Musical: Sonus Faber, Harbeth, Dynaudio, Elac, Vienna Acoustics,  Whaferdale, Audio Note, Gershman, NAD, Audiolab, SucGen, McIntosh, Denon.

Maybe, unconsciously, the founders created the brand names to send like his sound....




But what does a world-destroying robot need with diapers?

Klaatu barada nikto.


Is Klaatu a robot like me?

Elac -- He doesn't laaak it!

Kenwood -- Clint Eastwood's accountant brother.

Marantz -- I want less of 'em, not mare of 'em, in my pants.

SOTA -- because the gear sounds watery and fizzy.

Okay, I'll stop now...


Another possibility.....Maybe that's not a diaper Gort is wearing. I once saw someone wearing his underwear outside of his pants during spring break in Ft. Lauderdale. Gort certainly had the means to stop off there before going on to Washington. Definitely a possibility to ponder?