Chi-Fi in the Time of Self-Righteous Indignation.

I have to say the timing of the folks over at eacoustics in impeccable.

So Kevin Deal at Upscale release his Video on Raven Audio giving us something to chew on in this forum and W. Jennings gives us this.



I have some decent tube gear.  MC240, 275 and MC75s.  Fisher 30A monoblocks.  A Lance Cochrane scratch built amp.  And a Mingda MC34-AB integrated tube amp.  The quality, even when I had the original tubes in it was spectacular.  I A/B'd it with some audiophile friends against the LC and the MC240, and it held its own.  Point to point wiring underneath.  Quality components.  I'm sure there's crap out there.  But not all of the Chinese made products are crap.

I try to always buy USA but I will be the first to admit that there are some pretty decent components made in China.  Most of my gear is made in USA but the stuff that isn’t is quite good.   Velodyne SMS 1, made in China ... has worked flawlessly since 2006.    It’s on all day every day.  In fact it’s the only device I don’t turn off.   

OPPO Blu-ray player ... awesome machine     

NAD M51   Fantastic sounding DAC 

I demoed my last two speakers on Prima Luna amps    They sounded good   So no hate for QUALITY things made in China , I would just rather buy made in USA   


Incorrect, My father-in-law was an organizer in the Arizona high desert mines. Just as I as was a Teamsters organizer on the west coast. True Union Men and Women know what the red handkerchief means. When you walk a picket to keep people from dying in mines. Speak right on up when you know what your talking about, when it comes to organized labor.. When your a Union organizer for 45 years and a member for 54 years. You study the actual history from the horses mouth, not what you googled or learned at a University..

MR. Smarty Pants.. :-) Learn if you will, BUT at least learn correctly..

Now tell me about Hookers.. :-) As a mechanic we share something in common WE, (us and them) work off our backs... YUP.. Think you know everything. Do ya?

I forgot, we both usually work for %ricks too.  You know a Richard, A itty bitty one usually, with a fast car and the wife was usually my next sports project. Just for sport and spite usually. Funny part the wifes always feel the same way.. Shorty don't come up to Union standards, so to speak..


@oldhvymec I have deep respect for the labor movement. You are to be commended for all that you have accomplished, both as an organizer as well as a heavy mechanic. Just because something was coop’d for an absolutely wonderful cause doesn’t change the actual history. It was a derogatory term for anglos at a time when there was already a derogatory term for African Americans. 

And then there's the term "crackers". In The Last Waltz, Band pianist/singer/songwriter Richard Manuel recounts how that was one of the names they were considering to replace their old one---The Hawks---as their debut album was about to be released. Those boys DID have a sense of humour.