Impressions of Coincident Speakers

Wanted - Impressions of Coincident Super Victory III

Would like to find individuals owning or hearing the Coincident Super Victory III (or other similar Coincident Speaker Technologies speaker) and / or the Devore Super 9 speaker.

I am in the market for a new pair of high sensitivity / high-flat impedance curve speakers with a nominal impedance of 8 ohms or greater. 1st order crossover, highly dampened woofer, etc.

I’m researching Devore Super 9’s and Coincident Super Victory III, so if you can describe tonal accuracy, treble and bass specifics, scale, stage/image, coherency, etc would very much be grateful for you taking the time to add to this forum your views on these speakers. It will mean a trip to SFO to listen to the Devore Super 9’s and since the Super Victory III’s are sold factory direct, my only option to purchase of these speakers would not include listening to them, buying unheard (so to speak). I’m wondering if those 12" woofers are more tame then what a sealed subwoofer would normally provide. My current speakers follow the base line with well defined and articulate notes; and thats what I am looking for. I have neighbors, and knowing I may be disturbing them with thundering room pressurizing bass distracts from my listening pleasure. I have an REL R305 sub for those times when I want to feel the kick of a bass drum and need the option of turning off subterraining bass. Coincident specs the speaker goes to 28Hz and the woofer is well damped for tube amplification. Any views / info regarding bass of these speakers would be very helpful in my selection between the above reference Devore and Coincident


My current speakers are Sonist Concerto 4, Genertaion 2, driven by 30 Watt P/Pull Class "A" (mostly) EL34 (Ars Sonus Filarmonia, with Jupiur Copper Foil / Bees Wax coupling caps)

Front baffles of speakers are approx 5’ from front wall, 9’ apart tweeter to tweeter, 3’ from side wall (center of tweeter to side wall. I sit 10 to 12 feet from front baffle of speaker. Opens up to kitchen behind where I sit, about 22 feet to wall behind my seat. So basically the entire area is 15’ wide X 37’ long, speakers on the narrower wall (15’)

I have purchased a LTA ZOTL 40 Integrated W/ EL34 Mullard tube upgrade. The LTA will be the primary amp in the new set-up.





I don’t believe that I can offer much meaningful help. The only Devore speaker I’ve heard is the Orangutan 96 model and that was under audio show conditions (RMAF, I had a nice conversion with John Devore who was very pleasant).

I have previous generation Coincident speakers (Total Eclipse II) which are different from what @bradf is interested in, the Super Victory III. I honestly don’t know how similar these different models compare sonically.

Total Eclipse II, 94 db and 14 ohm impedance load, Scan Speak Revelator silk soft dome tweeter/two 6.5" midrange drivers/two 10" woofers.

Super Victory III, 92db and 10 ohm impedance load, ribbon tweeter/ one 7" midrange driver/ one 12" woofer.  Both.are 1st order crossover designs (But quite possibly different parts).



Gon member @clevelandbrownsfan has owned the Super Victory II for a few years and drives them with Atma-sphere M-60 OTLs and loves the pairing. It seems to me that the el 34 LTA amplifier should also be an excellent match.



I have not heard the SVIII, but based on the design and specs, I'm confident in the synergistic matching of the SV with the LTA ZOTL Circuit. and I am very impressed with the materials and design of the cabinet, also speaker and crossover components are exceptional quality. The only question I have yet to answer, is the bass characteristics of this speaker. Would you please read my opening discussion and comment on the details concerning bass and room size that  I have outlined above. It's evident that the Total Eclipse II has far more bass capacity than the SV III, but your description of the bass characteristics would probably be helpful (at least in part)  in determining if the bass meets my preferences as denoted above.


Thank You



The Coincident Total Eclipse II were built from the ground up to be very compatible with tube amplifiers and this includes SET amplifiers (Thus the high 14 ohm impedance and 94 db sensitivity),  The other aspect to ensure successful pairing with tube amplifiers is the tuning of the woofers. So the chosen Q factor was addressed to provide sufficient damping and bass control. 

In my opinion Coincident got this 'very right'  excellent control without being overdamped. I've used 3 different tube amplifiers,  100 watt push pull KT 88/ 40 watt push pull el 34/8 watt SET 300b. No issues whatsoever with any of them.

  I also have used a loaned Lamm 90 watt push pull amplifier and a First Watt S.I.T ( 35 push pull D.I,Y. version).  The bass control, impact and texture was really good with each despite their distinct sonic signatures being easily preserved.  

In general terms I can say that the Coincident sound is high resolution/low degree of coloration/very open presentation. With good placement the speakers seem to disappear from the room (Depending on the recording in use). Definitely high resolution and clarity but thankfully not analytical or clinical sounding by any stretch.

The Super Victory III with the ribbon tweeter could be perhaps more resolved than my speaker with the soft dome tweeter (But perfect for me😊). One more comment,  the musical pace and flow characteristics are very fluid and natural.  Definitely not a stiff or mechanical type of presentation. I hope that this helps somewhat.  I've had the Total Eclipse II for over 12 years and they along with my 300b SET mono blocks are not going anywhere. 
