Sony SACD Player SCD-XA5400ES; YAY or NAY?

Happy New Year All,

Sony SACD Player SCD-XA5400ES; YAY or NAY? (around $1,000. usd used)

6 dacs, 3 left/3 right

sends SACD’s DSD out RCA jacks without conversion to PCM.

Upscales CD’s 8x to SACD #s, then out RCA

spinner traverses over fixed dual laser: one cd, one sacd

2010 model: typically 10-12 years old, I see laser assemblies for sale, indicates

a. people want to keep em going.

b. laser problematic

thanks for advice as always,





The only Sony "uber-" SACD player I heard was WAY too long ago: SCD-1 (at a dealer); and that was enough.  Sony knew how to design around its format, and you literally had to drag me out of the listening room.  The sound was so good for DSD I forgot which speakers they were playing through as well.

I'd figure the later iterations of Sony's flagship SACDs would be just as good; my only concern would be the age.  If you've got a local, good audio shop close by that knows Sony - that would melt away some of my reticence.

I continue to enjoy my XA5400ES.  SQ-wise, it competes with (though truly seldom surpasses) both my vinyl and internet sources even when it is just spinning CDs. It definitely sounds better than did my previous SACD/CD player, a Marantz. I hope I'm not laying a curse on the thing, but it has also yet to fail on me.