Do we really know what "Live" music sounds like?

Do we really know what music sounds like?

Pure, live, non-amplified, unadulterated music.

Musicians do but most layman do not.

Interesting read by Roger Skoff.




Approx. 10,000 performances and recordings, everything from solo piano to symphony to big band to trios, etc....yeah I have a vague idea.

Spoiler alert: it can't be reproduced on a stereo.

One of the reasons why many serious audio equipment designers at the storied firms will sponsor / underwrite / participate in the recording of music. Vandersteen, Audioquest, EAR, Conrad Johnson, Wilson, M and K, Water Lilly, Soundsmith ( via Direct Grace ).. the list is long… Witness the original acoustic event, see where things go wrong in the recording / reproduction chain, seek to make it better.  Joe Harley at Tone Poet / Blue Note, one such genius….

@retipper Anything new with Direct Grace ? I have some sponsorship $ for a good cause.

Yeah. All the time. Every day. If the sound doesn't come from me, myself, it comes from listening to my wife play her various brands and models of acoustic guitars.

I know my system doesn’t sound like live music. In many cases that’s a good thing, my system sounds better than live music. If I went to a lot of classical chamber or symphonic concerts and I could afford the good seats, I might try to reproduce that sound at home. In the meantime I just want my system to sound really good to me, to relax or excite me when appropriate, and give me that endorphin burst from time to time.

PS Audio has started a side project called Octave Records. The idea is to produce the best sounding recordings for SACD, PCM and vinyl. If you’re familiar with Paul McGowan you know that his descriptions of the releases will be very enthusiastic.  Keep that in mind when purchasing any.

They have a few releases out from people you’re probably unfamiliar with. Still I think this is a venture worth supporting. How many record companies even care what their releases sound like? So check out their website and see if there might be something you’re interested in. Hopefully they will grow and one day get well known performers to record with them. The website is:

Octave Audiophile Masters – PS Audio