Replicant 100 stylus

My ''general statement'' that styli are produced by either Ogura or Namiki

may need correction.

Some friends of my ''discovered'' that Replicant (Ortofon), Decca and

''Expert stylus'' are the same. As is/was the case with Gyger and

Van den Hul. Van den Hul designed Gyeger I, II and S (?) but

Gyger produced them. This was obviously kept secret for commercial


My assertion is that Expert stylus (Paratrace) provide them to the

other mentioned.

Is anybody capable to check this information?



Yes, Astatic builded its own cartridges under the Mitachi design. Same as Glanz.


Btw, in all internet audio forum exist some persons that are " dedicated " to often posts very low knowledge issue/audio levels boarding in the stupidity.

Agos is no exception and in this forum and for years there were two of that kind of persons fortunatelly looks like one of them just gone because does not post any more but unfortunatelly other person already took his place.


Is really stupid to have a " decent " audio dialogue with any of these persons.




''The other person'' ( Don Griffith)  left the forum because of Raul.

Also ''very low level of knowledge'' , He is aircraft engineer. 

I try to explain function of names in my other thread . Raul

missed my point by Glanz and Astatic because of lack of education.

Those names are used not to refer but to hide reference by

suggesting different ''animals'' while being ''the same'' product

of Mitachi company in Japan. Aka ''misleading  names'' . The

Glanz thread is illustration of name confusion and our own

discovery that both names refer to the same products.

The same is/was the case by Gyger versus Van de Hul styli as well

by ''Van den Hul'' cartridges them self. Those are not made by

Van den Hul.. The explanation of terms, use of words , kind of sentences

or statement or propositions is not possible without knowledge of logic,

linguistic and philosophy of language. Those are ''subjects'' about

which Raul has never heard because of his very low level of knowledge.

Intellectual property, justice and cheating. The older among us

know who Kondo-san was. His company ''Audio note'' produced

very expensive component. In UK however was a company  

with trademark ''Audio note'' which copied Kondo's inventions.

This is obvious stealing. Kondo-san was not able to do anything

against UK law.  Consider (general) patent duration of +/- 20 years.

Compare this with the discrepancy with copyright . Duration is 70

years after passing  of  the ''author'' . ''Original'' (sic) this right was

meant for, say, writers, Check at present what singers  heir get for

their ''copyright''. American are complaining about

 hinese accusing them of stealing but are not able to get the

idea to increase duration of patent law. We have seen  Raul's

''argument'' that Glanz and Astatic got ''licence'' for production

of ''MF'' technology invented by Mitachi in Japan. He obviously

have no idea what ''licence'' means. ''Glanz'' is an German

expression meaning ''shining'' . So it suggest German company.

But as dgob mentioned in his Glanz thread  this company is

Japanese, So according to Raul an Japanese company  sold

''licence'' to other Japanese company. But the sense of an licence

is to sell permission to some other country because establishing

own company abroad is very expensive, So as one can conclude

intellectual property is pretty complex for even the professionals

not to mention an nitwit from Mexico.