Not sure Rumor or Truth that Max Townshend has passed?

someone had told me that Max Townshend has passed away on 12/31/21?  can anyone confirm this sad news?


Very sad news.

I always enjoyed my chats with Max at various HiFi shows over the years and use two of his TVC pre-amps in my systems, One Loudspeaker I would love to have learned more about is the Sir Galahad.  I heard them at the Penta show, must have been early / mid 90s. They were excellent with scale, dynamics and extreme bass extension. 

Condolences to his family and friends.


Very nice guy who went out of his way to listen to my exact application/environment for his seismic platform. He told me exactly how it would work technically and was very understated about the tremendous improvement his platform would provide. Shipped me new pods with lower weight capacity and didn’t even want the original ones returned! Still would have refunded my money if I wanted, but combining his platform on top of a wall mounted shelf that he recommended is I the ultimate isolation and vibration control for a Rega lightweight turntable.

His was easily by far the best solution for me. Big loss for the audio world. I hope they can carry on making the current products, or maybe some other company can buy his product line and absorb it into another organization.

OMG! This is terrible news.

I just purchased a whole slew of Townshend Audio gear and John had told me that Max was having health issues but it seemed Max was on the mend. I may have the last thing that Max laid his hands on and built.

I was having issues with my Rowland Model 12’s that were connected to my Allegri Reference preamp through F-1 Fractal interconnects. There was a DC ground loop where my speakers would pop when the Model 12’s were turned on.

After consulting with Jeff Rowland about it, Max made me a new set of interconnects with DC blockers in the middle that he built for me early/mid December.

I am so sad. He was a great innovator and great man.