Do we really know what "Live" music sounds like?

Do we really know what music sounds like?

Pure, live, non-amplified, unadulterated music.

Musicians do but most layman do not.

Interesting read by Roger Skoff.




As virtually all the concerts I attend are unamplified classical concerts (orchestral, chamber choral, organ and piano recitals) or small acoustic ensembles (folk), and playing guitar and singing in choirs myself, I'd say I know what live music sounds like.  I don't know what classical concerts Roger is attending, but rarely do I see the use of sound reinforcement in a concert hall other than for Broadway shows.  

     A little something, of which most are unaware, regarding some of those, "...unamplified Classical concerts...", here:


     It’s been my experience, if one desires (generally) good (sometimes: excellent) venues (acoustically) and a live music experience, of diverse genres, without breaking their budget; doing an online search for local college campuses, with concert programs, can be most fruitful.


Used to go to Carnegie hall but that's history I'll stay home and play my MAGICO based system.Wont be going to concerts as I hate wearing a mask for 4 hours.Live music is history for me now so sad.

@rodman99999 Yes! Love going and hear bands, orchestras, choirs and the like at local universities and colleges here in the Chicago area.