Magnepan Service HORRIBLE???

I am now into my 5th week waiting for Magnepan to evaluate shipping damage to a pair of MG 3.7's. My wife and I paid Craters and Freighters to build a custom wood crate for them so they would not be damaged further by the trip from Richmond to Minnesota.

I know everyone will say they are a small company and I need to be patient but this is ridiculous to my mind. I have called 5-6 times and the seller has also called. The last time I called Shelia acted like she had never spoken to me before despite the previous phone conversations.

I know the MG 3.7's are supposed to be sensational speakers and I bought my first pair of Magnepans in 1975 but I am seriously considering flipping these if Magnepan ever inspects and repairs them. The aggravation simply is not worth it to me.

A month and I can not even get anyone at Magnepan to open the crate, inspect them, and give me a damage estimate to provide to FedEx who is ready to pay the claim. Unfortunately, they can't pay until Magnepan provides an estimate of the damage and then I have to wait for the actual repair.

I never thought I would feel this way about Magnepan but this current situation has changed my mind to a huge extent. This is just ridiculous the way I see it and I can see no good excuse for it.
Rx8man, I agree 100%. we all know accidents happen,but the track records of these companies are deplorable. How the hell do you drive a forklift tine right thru the goods?? Are these guys blind? There is so much room for improvement with these companies,and I think alot of it must start with employee attitudes. Its to the point that no matter how well something is packed, these clowns can find a way to destroy it.I hate them all.
"I don't think one should be penalized for buying used. Magnepan made ther money once..... "

Why do you look at it like the they are being penalized? There has to be an order to which a company puts there priorities. Do you want them to drop everything they're doing to accommodate this situation. They are obviously busy at this time- vacationing employees, new orders, warrantee work, and what not.
I'm sorry, these are the risks you take when you buy used. It's an unfortunate situation but it happens.
Winoguy, I'm right with ya, none of these threads would exist if things were handled carefully or properly.

You'd think they'd be sick of claims by now, it's only money.

Of course, that would be living in a dream world right?
Markpao, Regardless if they are used or not I am now their customer and I have a problem. In most great businesses they do what is necessary to get it fixed for the customer. I am now a full 5 weeks in and have yet to even get the cost estimate. What do you think the chances are now that I would ever buy a new product from Magnepan??

I have to wait 5 weeks for an hour's worth of inspection? The company is just not staffed properly and has an archaic view of customer service.
The way I see it it does not matter one way or the other if I bought these used or not. I am the customer in this situation and I have a problem. Top notch companies take care of customer's issues. Over a Magnepan speaker's life it is going to be owned by multiple people but only be sold new once. So, Magnepan needs to provide decent support to owners of these speakers new or used. Both the 1.7's and 3.7's were hot and the 3.7's had a waiting list. So, if someone decides for reasons entirely their own to sell a pair of 3.7's they can do so. This pair had the aluminum trim rails, better fuses, Cardas jumpers, and Mye stands at a good price so I jumped on them. I am now Magnepan's customer so I expect it to not take 5 weeks to get an estimate to repair shipping damage. Still ridiculous IMHO.