Transparent vs Synergistic Research?

I am looking to recable my system. I have...

Ayre V-3 amp
Krell Showcase Pre/Pro
Vandersteen 2Ce Speakers (will upgrade to Quattros)
Arcam DV88

After going through about 10-15 cable lines I was ready to buy Transparent. However, I heard so many good things about Synergistic that I am reconsidering. I would love to hear opinions from those individuals who have heard Transparent and Synergistic on which might be better for my setup. I'd also like to hear why you think it would be better. Thanks for any/all help. I am trying to get cables to audition. Please advise.
UPDATE - I found that one of my mini power couplers was defective. They really do make a big difference in the sound - much better clarity and soundstage.
Hey Killer, I finally auditioned the SR Resolution Reference vs Transparent Ultra. It was SR all the way. BTW the Kimber Bi-Focal was just as good as SR in my system.

I use Synergistic and TP power cords and interconnects XLR's are TP's but sound great but it really depends what there connected to, so it hard to say that one brand is better than another this goes with every cable mentioned,Shunyata cables get great reviews but on my gear TP was superior at half the price but on someone's other gear Shunyata might sound better.You have to audition cables for sometime to break in to real know what they will sound like.



SR and TA are top-tier Cable systems. Best practice is to spend much time auditioning each brand. I look forward in reading more about your impressions and thoughts. I am a prior TA MM2 series owner. Super music link models.


Happy Listening!

Guys the Synergistic cable models mentioned above were designed by me in the 1990s, and were in production in different incarnation‘s into the early 2000s. A lot has changed for the significant better in the intervening 30 years, including ease of use, and much higher performance for lower cost. If it all possible, compare the two brands you are interested in as a full loom or, loom versus loom.

Yours in music,

Ted Denney III

Lead Designer/CEO Synergistic Research Inc.