Is DSP room correction worth it with a high end analog system?

This question was inspired by a YouTube from “2021 Capital Audio Fest: Jefferson Room”. Even though a lowly MP4, this is the best I have ever heard a drum solo!

The speakers are the Arion Apollo system. I question going through an ADA conversion coming from my quite high end analog front end with a tube preamp. The Apollo system uses a, said to be the best of its kind, Trinnov ST2 processor.

Certainly room correction seems very useful but is it worth going through a digital conversion?


I agree with Mahgister simple in room mechanical devices will have a major and fulfilling impact on the air and music in my room.

Under construction now are many devices that will contain upto 3000 individual components to enhance laminar flow in my room. 750 and counting upwards..incredible it is. Tom

Here is a link to our new company name and website..including concepts of the Energy Room .Tom

Interesting site thanks...

I already deesigned my own corners room the same way though, my room is small 13 feet by 13 feet irregular and 81/2 feet high...😁😊

I used with my passive materials treatment  my H. resonators grid location and some 2 sections screen in wood behind me to concentrate the sound in the room in a better way.... It is like listening an headphone but with the sound out of my head....Bettter than my 7 headphones.... It is the poor's man way but with a not so poor sound quality....

I wish you the best with your enterprise the room seems very promising....

Here is a link to our new company name and website..including concepts of the Energy Room .Tom

Trinnov unit is not cheap but it's not $18K. It's priced just under $7K. It included all crossover filters, analog-in, digital-in and analog-outputs.


Clearly everyone agrees DSP is the answer. Only by tearing the music apart, ripping it literally to bits, manipulating and altering and stitching it back together again, can we be true to the source.