Has anybody heard the new Nagra CD Player?

Just wondering if anybody has heard the CDC. Considering its asking price, it should be one of the best out there... or not?
I have heard CDC with and without PL-L. The power amp was PMA. With PL-L, it sounds so warm and exiting. Without PL-L, it becomes cool and high resolution sound. But not so exiting.

I think if you have PL-L, CDP could be better. But the pannel face of CDC is so wonderful.

I wonder if I use CDC with VPA.
If you are spending this amount of money on a CD player right now IMO you are making a big mistake. CD's will be dead soon, and you will be forced to sell this VERY EXPENSIVE player at a more than considerable loss.

Wavelength Crimson DAC is worth looking into, and will surprise you.
Kotara, thats helpful info but also what I expected. I have a feeling a lot of the magic may rest with the tubed preamp but agree the CDC looks great on its own unlike the CDP. Jc51373 If one already has 10000+ cds with what millions ? more already out there I don't see the worry in investing in a single box state of art cd player now as who knows they may not be making them in the future ( one can always buy a few extra laser assembles to last ones lifetime). If cds will be dead soon all that'll mean is there'll be available sooner at cheaper second hand prices but without many of the inherent risks second hand vinyl brings.
Downloaded, ripped and recorded music still sounds best when burned to a CD-R and played on a dedicated CD player/Transport. The CDs may disappear but the CD-Rs will not.
