At a given price point, better to go late vintage or modern?

This would be for a vacation house. The main listening area in the vacation house.  I set a budget for under $2,000 for a pair of speakers and was thinking I was going to purchase either some dahlquists, Thiels or vandersteens.  What I've discovered shopping locally is that a pair of Thiel 3.6's and a golden ear Triton model 2 are essentially the same price somewhere in the mid teens.


As a reference point my main home system has ar9 speakers while the smaller home theater room has the Andrew Jones pioneer home theater set. The Andrew Jones Pioneers amaze me but then again they are a 30-year newer design. 

Is it folly for me to think that the Thielss can compete with the newer goldenears?



128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xchester_bunger


Yes sir, Shure cartridge, Grace arm, Thorens turntable, Apt Holman preamp (still my favorite), DH500 Hafler and the AR9's since the late 80's.


Thanks for the link, one solo listening chair, who's the boss?

AT ANY GIVEN PRICE POINT, the decision varies by individual piece of equipment.  Some equipment was overpriced and not a value even at half price.  Other equipment is a great value even at twice its retail price.  

Only YOUR ears can make the call.


The original question was to seek consensus, generally, if say $6,000 speakers that have now devalued to $2,000 would be superior to younger models at the same $2,000 price of admission.

This whole thought has its origin in my H.T. front 2019 Pioneer FS52 mini towers which for pocket change are more than remarkable, actually stunning.  


I have heard these in person…

They have an Olive score of 6.7,

The 2C have an Olive score of 4.4, which is pretty remarkable for speakers in that vintage.

I don’t think you can go too wrong with either.
One long time friend has some Spikas along with Maggies, and another fellow I have known maybe decade is Dunlavy or Dunytech, so we all sort of are in the time/phase aligned group.

OP, I think in your speaker case almost no question that the older speakers would sound better… assuming they were of the same sound family (so you are not deciding on a different kind of sound). Construction is very important in speaker implementation and $6K vs $2K is a whole different category.


If you get into audiophile equipment, they are so well designed and constructed they are going to far outperform mid-fi stuff almost forever. I bought a top of the line Onkyo (mid-fi) tape deck in 1980… After a while I took home a first generation Nakamichi (first of the cassette decks ever made)… it was 8 years old (ancient in the rapidly evolving new tape deck market). The Nakamichi was so much better than the incredibly well reviewed and celebrated Onkyo it was as if it was a completely different technology.

This is largely the reason that high end equipment has no new model every years… thoughtful designs with outstanding components. A twenty year gap is too big, but under ten, older high end will likely best new, in expensive.