Well, I bought, or received as gifts, about 20 records over the Christmas and Birthday season. So, now my record rack is overflowing. Again! So The Great Culling - part deux has begun. Luckily, this time I only need to sell/trade a net 20/30 records. Last time it was 200... I really want to have all of my records fit nicely into my 800 LP capacity rack. A little available space for "emergency purchases" would also be good.
It's going to be a little harder this time, as I already culled the real losers last time (2019). However, this time, I'm going to sell off some higher quality records that I just don't love. I mean, why keep them if I'm not going to listen to them.
Here's a "for instance". I had a copy of Willie Nelson - "Startdust" that I rarely/never listed to. I love Willie Nelson, just didn't really like that record, although it's one of his most popular. So, one day in 2018 I find a copy of the MoFi version in the "new today" used record bin at Plaid Room. It's in perfect condition and it's $16.99, so I grab it. Why the heck did I do that? I don't listen to the one I already have. So, today, while pulling out potential candidates for TGC - part deux, I come across both copies of "Startdust". Since I know I'm only going to keep one, at most, I listen to the MoFi (probably for the first time). Guess what? I still don't like it. So there's 2 going into the "to sell/to trade" pile. Now, only 18/28 to go...
So if you see me listing some oddball choices, you'll know why. Last listen before possibly going into the "pile".
Wish me luck... And God Speed... ;~)