To be more precise:
The more classical and "romantic" and shubertian one is the 3-4 for me...
He never corrected the 6 which is the more romantic piece about nature...
The 5 is the deepest for his mastering of the parts uniting in a complete final culmination in one ultimate chord...It is for me the best representation of the parts and events in one human life integrated in a karmic thema revealed by the integrating finale, the best i ever listen to, a fugue which would have impressed Bach...This work for me describe a human life on a spiritual pespective...
The 7 are the more beautiful for me...So seductive in his spell that anyone must love it for sure...
The 8 come after the 5 for the perfection of the parts interaction and so harmonious that it rival the 5...But its finale is less impressive than the 5...
The nine is the deepest moving one and the more spectacular, convey emotion to a deeper level than the others if possible .....
It is only my impressions....
My last surprize is the influence of Liszt Christus on the young Bruckner because the Liszt work is so perfect that only Bach even managed an oratio on this scale of perfection, and at the risk to be blasphemous for my idol, Liszt even reach the Bach mastery not by changing the syntax language but by uniting the meaning of the orchestral part with the voices in a work of three hours so perfect and economical , even the Bruckner third mass, by itself a master summum, dont exceed it...
LIszt being a pianist is a composer underestimated... the Christus is the proof....It is easily for me the greatest oratorio ever written....The last himalayan peak of the Romantic movement with Bruckner for me...
For sure these impressions comes to me and i am not a musician... Feel free to disagree or correct me...
Thanks for your recommendation of Bruckner’s Fifth Symphony. The most popular are 7, 8, 9. I don’t know the 5th. I’ll message you this weekend. You have eclectic musical knowledge, much to learn from you. THANKS