intend to purchase the Von Schweikert VR9SE Mk II which has many drivers, 4 way crossover per transition with 94db 6 ohm
You actually, really , believe VS's spercs, 94db, 6 ohms on the VR9?
Bet any money its not over 90 db sen s and less than 4 ohm load.
I dont trust any speaker specs, with the exception of a few Full range manufacturers.
Even soem FR labs are fudging the numbers.
But as for xover style speakers the numbers mean nothing.
My ideal db sens are 93-95, , which just so happen to be the specs on the 2 drivers in my system, 93 and 95.
I might go 91/92 in tweeters, and 96 in a FR driver, , but IDEALLY, 93-95 is best for a balanced sound.
90 db tweeters I find too recessed,
And a 97 db FR I find too forward in midrange.
All VS's can't break above 90db. Based on the drivers employed , which are all low sens drivers, So how is it even remotely possible to attain a above 90 db spec on drivers with all BELOW 90 db rating.
aka Seas, Scanspeaks, Accuton, SB Acoustics, All 4 manufacturers below 90 db on drivers