Best speakers around $130k?


intend to purchase the Von Schweikert VR9SE Mk II which has many drivers, 4 way crossover per transition with 94db 6 ohm ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You actually, really , believe VS's spercs, 94db, 6 ohms on the VR9? Bet any money its not over 90 db sen s and less than 4 ohm load. I dont trust any speaker specs, with the exception of a few Full range manufacturers. Even soem FR labs are fudging the numbers. But as for xover style speakers the numbers mean nothing. My ideal db sens are 93-95, , which just so happen to be the specs on the 2 drivers in my system, 93 and 95. I might go 91/92 in tweeters, and 96 in a FR driver, , but IDEALLY, 93-95 is best for a balanced sound. 90 db tweeters I find too recessed, And a 97 db FR I find too forward in midrange. All VS's can't break above 90db. Based on the drivers employed , which are all low sens drivers, So how is it even remotely possible to attain a above 90 db spec on drivers with all BELOW 90 db rating. aka Seas, Scanspeaks, Accuton, SB Acoustics, All 4 manufacturers below 90 db on drivers

Wrong-my Legacy Focus have been measured at 96.4 db efficiency only 1.6db down from stated 98 db.   My friends VR 35 export is 90 db 8 ohms, minimum of 5 ohms at 25 Hz.  These are accurate and make them easy to drive by most amplifiers.  My 35 watt super Dynaco (voltage regulated, not ultralinear design) drives Focus and Signature IIIs with ease and power despite the reduced impedance to 2.8 and 3.6 ohms, respectively.   93-95 db efficiency not based on design parameters for balanced sound is nonsense.  I've heard fantastic speakers at 87db (Harbeths) and 92 db 4 ohms (VR Ultra 9).  I've heard probably 500 speakers in my life and never considered moderate efficiency or ease of drive (beyond moderate power) to determine sound quality.   So many other parameters.  Although I tend not to like hard to drive speakers (MBL for that and other reasons,  big Wilsons, big B&Ws, Maggies for orchestral/rock music, etc) which require heavy power concerns.

No real answer to the OP Question.


However I can vouch for the Classic Audio Field Coils Speakers, Either the T3.4 or the T1.5 by far out of 28 years of moving about with different speaker this one has left me not wanting to change it out of my room.  The speaker should be powered by the Tube Power supply instead of the Solid state power supply John Wolff provides.