
Sound. Isn’t sound the quest? The ultimate goal? The bottom line? The reason or the basis for spending more money? The reason you are never satisfied? The rationale behind labeling yourself an Audiophile? Why I have to own six different Headphones? Does the obsession get in the way of common sense when it comes to an equalizer like the Schitt Loki and now the new Lokias?


I mean, I have what others have in Klipsch Forte… they are the first generation… they sound great. Some say Klipsch SOUND “tinny”, horny, or harsh. But hey, when I turned my Loki equalizer knobs back-left, down from neutral as I saw in a YouTube video, and played the “fine tune guy” for some differing musical genders, I can make my Forte I sound like a Forte IV, a JBL L100, Focal, etc. And add to that my SVS micro 5000 sub,  my Cary Rocket 88 tube amp, and the DAC in my  Bluesound Node…I mean, if that Loki equalizer working off “WHAT I HEAR” isn’t good enough… what sounds good to my own ears… why not use one? I find that would end discussions, (for some, arguments), about sound… Simply because tweeking KNOBS are not graphs, they are your EARS! They are your sound, according to your acoustics, and what SOUNDS GOOD to you… I mean, is it pride? Isn’t it true that “Ego is not your Amigo” when it comes to folks arguing about Sound? The book “ Get Better Sound”, (which I have)? Shouldn’t we be talking about “ Tweek to Better Sound”?

What do you think?





This is simple, the 'SOUND' is an illusion.  It is the intentional delivery of audio information in an effort to make yourself have aural hallucination.  To feel things in your mind triggering memories, emotions, 'feelings' that are generally pleasant.  When done well we call it an 'eargasm', it is a thrilled based on experiences and expectations you have residing in your mind that generate good feelings.

Barry Thornton

Austin Audio Works


LOL,  My wife threw out my Koss 4’s. I had them sitting on a stand for years and one day she decided to use them and the ear cushions crumbled.  She was so grossed out, she tossed them like they were a dead mouse!


20 *impressed*

You ought to clamp them over your extremities and torso and play some drum solos......if you haven't already.  *G*  Why stop at an eargasm when you could have a 'bodybuzz'.....🙄

Explain THAT to the significant other.....

(...after the recovery from the spectacle....)

"Honey?  I think you need audio rehab.....if such a thing exists....."

And today's your lucky day, in time and rhythm for my 20 step program to free you from the killer:  AuditudeAmping.

AudExtremis: How to Sample and Hold Your Audio Itch.

*Coming Soon from Buzzkill Books!*