
Sound. Isn’t sound the quest? The ultimate goal? The bottom line? The reason or the basis for spending more money? The reason you are never satisfied? The rationale behind labeling yourself an Audiophile? Why I have to own six different Headphones? Does the obsession get in the way of common sense when it comes to an equalizer like the Schitt Loki and now the new Lokias?


I mean, I have what others have in Klipsch Forte… they are the first generation… they sound great. Some say Klipsch SOUND “tinny”, horny, or harsh. But hey, when I turned my Loki equalizer knobs back-left, down from neutral as I saw in a YouTube video, and played the “fine tune guy” for some differing musical genders, I can make my Forte I sound like a Forte IV, a JBL L100, Focal, etc. And add to that my SVS micro 5000 sub,  my Cary Rocket 88 tube amp, and the DAC in my  Bluesound Node…I mean, if that Loki equalizer working off “WHAT I HEAR” isn’t good enough… what sounds good to my own ears… why not use one? I find that would end discussions, (for some, arguments), about sound… Simply because tweeking KNOBS are not graphs, they are your EARS! They are your sound, according to your acoustics, and what SOUNDS GOOD to you… I mean, is it pride? Isn’t it true that “Ego is not your Amigo” when it comes to folks arguing about Sound? The book “ Get Better Sound”, (which I have)? Shouldn’t we be talking about “ Tweek to Better Sound”?

What do you think?





20 *impressed*

You ought to clamp them over your extremities and torso and play some drum solos......if you haven't already.  *G*  Why stop at an eargasm when you could have a 'bodybuzz'.....🙄

Explain THAT to the significant other.....

(...after the recovery from the spectacle....)

"Honey?  I think you need audio rehab.....if such a thing exists....."

And today's your lucky day, in time and rhythm for my 20 step program to free you from the killer:  AuditudeAmping.

AudExtremis: How to Sample and Hold Your Audio Itch.

*Coming Soon from Buzzkill Books!*

I'm also a minimalist when it comes to my hifi digital nannies, good wire...blah blah, but I do keep a Loki Mini + in the system as it's utterly transparent. No clue how they managed this but you can flip it on and off, take it out for comparison, pour hot lava on it, subject it to quantum magnetic hypersnot....whatever...and it is signalus non interuptus el mundo.

One of my sources for Mancave Heat in the Winter is my Cary Tube amp. It has no knobs, and feeds from  a Loki +, which gets operation and selection from  my Bluesound Node which has a remote. But in the warmer months, Marantz 2226B will be the power to my Forte 1 pair. (Cooler temps then in the mancave, with my TV)…the Loki will then come back to my AAA789 headphone amp and play along with my Focal headphones, because Marantz 2226B has its own Bass, Mid and Treble knobs.

I haven’t performed  this seasonal switch before.  Do I need to concern myself with the “ sitting idle monthly time” of either the tube Cary amp, or the solid state Marantz receiver…. Waiting for it’s playing season?

I went to college.  We slept all night using a turntable that kept playing.  Abraxas or DSOTM.  Heard all the Yamahas and Advents.  Good sound? Sure.  And we had the best ,music, mid 70's rock.  Kept the bug.  Very nice store here in town.  Bought a Sony VFET and Polks.  Played the hell out of them. 

WIF=no stereo

Bought a house.  Now we're talking.  My friend kept bringing over his amps that he made or fixed.  Some classics.  Quatre, Ampzilla.  Paradigm speakers.  Could never get them right.

I got banished to the basement.  More iterations.  Then due to work, it just all sat in a pile.

My son talked me into seeing if it all worked.  Buzz in the preamp, poor connections, CD player drawer broke. 

Here we are.  Retired, I love music, I have time, started buying stuff.  I got lucky and/or informed and bought pretty good stuff for my tastes.  I kept telling my wife.  Man, this thing sounds good.  Buy another addition, Man this thing sounds good.  On and on.  NOW, I think it is really good. 

The point is: each time, I thought I had really good sound.  Each time I added something it sounded better.  Kept scooting speakers around, etc etc.  Each time it sounded better.  How do I know?  It's in my head.  The few times I went to hear the $$$ rigs were disappointing.  Let alone remember what they sound like.  So, it's what sounds good to me.   PS never liked tone controls.  Don't want to fiddle with every song.