Clocking: again!

There are all manner of folk claiming that clocking is irrelevant to Ethernet and USB connections. While this is obviously ignorant of the RMI/EMI and ground level effects on DA conversion and the analogue stages of a DAC, the level to which digital clocking matters was again brought into stark relief when I changed the clock cable between the Antelope 10m clock and the Etherregen from the cable supplied by Antelope to a Shunyata Clock75 Sigma cable. Shazam! Everything jumping into focus and significantly more snap and reverb. In our hobby everything matters and we are only at the very beginning of optimizing streaming.


Sorry maxwellseq reality isn't a commodity accepted here. Give us your over the top useless personal anecdotal blabber referencing psuedoscience double talk the sellers of these components use to get idiots to buy this nonsense. Then you'll be in the club.


Just ignore the likes of djones51. His mindless posts here are indicative of his reference which is DSP controlled active speakers with a built in DAC 😂

There are 3 factors involved here;

I. Master Clocks 10 Mhz 75 or 50 Ohm

2.Word Clocks which have to be manually switched to the frequency of the source recording e.g. 44.1, 48, 192 kHz etc.

3.Re-Clockers which reprocess and de-jitter a signal between the source and DAC. A re-clocker usually benefits from a stable signal from a Master Clock.

A clock without a linear and preferably regulated DC power supply is like a ship on the high seas, whereas a good power supply brings it onto dry land.

Imagine your family all used different clocks no one would get to school/work/whatever on time. All your digital equipment connected to the same Master Clock keeps everything in synch.

Yeah, those DSP controlled active speakers with the built in DAC are junk, I wouldn’t recommend them to anyone here unless they’re interested in state of the art design, FR and sound reproduction. Of course you'll need to find somewhere to introduce a useless clock.