Tandberg 3012 Integrated w/ Innersound ISIS ESLs

Could anyone inform me on compatibility of a Tandberg 3012 running a pair of Innersound ISIS (4 ohm nominal impedance). Specs. on the Tandberg:

High current MOSFET Output
Rated at 100 watts per channel into 8 ohms
Rated THD: 0.02%
MM Phono S/N: 78 dB
MM Phono Sensitivity: 1.9 mV

Someone informed me that the Tandberg might not even be rated to drive 4ohm loads. Thanks for your knowledgeable input.
I had the Innersound Eros and I found them to be so power hungry that 300 watts didn't even work for me.

I had two Tandbergs, older models TR2080 and 2025.  Sound was great but I never pushed them.  They were pretty heavy and I was told workmanship was excellent.  Parts got hard to get.  Soundsmith quoted 1300 WCS to repair.  And it was not blown up.