What To Do?

I'm rebuilding my system.  TT is next.  I have a reliable but dated Music Hall 7.1.  What should I do with $12k?  Buy a new TT and phono preamp or keep the MH and buy a better cartridge and phono preamp?  Thanks in advance for feedback. 


I upgraded my turntable system (U-turn Orbit w/ Ortofon Blue MM cartridge) this year to a Dr. Feikert Volare with an Origin Live Silver tonearm. I installed a Hana S series MC cartridge on the tonearm. The turntable, tonearm and cartridge was right at $4500. The acoustic difference was shocking. It is so much better than what I was listening to previously. The turntable is heavy and dead quiet. The Origin Live tonearm and Hana cartridge is a great combination. It tracks incredibly well and is really easy to adjust. I love the combination and shouldn’t need to change the turntable or tonearm for a very long time. 

I’m using the phono preamp built into my McIntosh C2700. I was considering a Vincent Audio PHO-701 Phonostage until I decided to go with the C2700. I really wanted a tube phonstage. My turntable interconnects are supplied by Origin Live for the tonearm. The rest of my system interconnects are all Synergistic Research Foundation cables. 

Lyra Delos

Phonostage of your liking  (test several)

The remainder into a VPI table with a gimballed arm.

I am getting great results with a Pro-ject Carbon 10 EVO. $5k. Sound Smith The Voice moving iron cartridge at $2.2k. Aric Audio phono pre. $2k with vintage tubes from Brent Jessee. The JJ stock tubes are not great. 
Make sure that your turntable arm the phono cartridge have a resonance match. Watch the sound Smith Videos.