$100 worth of RasPi will probably outperform that multi purpose PC.
It did my Vostro, WITH Fidelizer.
But you do whatever you have to do.
If you don’t compare you won’t know any better.
Is an audio media transport really better than PC?
Hello guys,
I'm having some doubts about purchasing an audio grade media transport or music streamer.
Wouldn't say I'm a sole PC Hi-FI dude, by recently I've been seeing a lot of reviews and articles talking about using a audio streamer to play music can certainly outperform PC playing, like the sound quality and stuff.
I normally use Roon to play music by my PC, which is not bad, but of course not heavenly I'd say haha... anyways, so recently I did some researches about some audio streamer/media transport with fair prices, there's one called Munich M1T, the price is worth a shot, and it's Roon Ready certified, but I'm just still hesitating that if I should buy it.
Can anyone share some insights with me? I'll be grateful big timeee~
I'm not entirely convinced of this. It really depends on what kind of power supply the RasPi will use. Also, the USB/SPDIF digital output circuit on these Pink Faun / JCAT cards are much more comprehensive than the USB connection on a RasPi. That is not to say the RasPi can't be excellent. If you use a really good linear power supply on the RasPi, you will likely get a very excellent result. |
The Pi3+ is in a steel case ground bonded to an iFi Elite ala Allo This sounds better than with the previous generic LPS. Which was better than that the orig. SMPS. ALL better than a PC. You are allowed to hear what you want. edcyn a valid observation. If we're talkin'' PC on-board audio it is the worst. I usually just clip the wires.
What is the custom audio music server doing that a cheap PC is not? I think eliminate electrical and external noise as much as possible. Which is great. Let’s assume your PC is very powerful, because those are also cheap, but maybe a little noisy, like mine here. OptiPlex 3080 Micro Form Factor Desktop | Dell USA My PC runs ROON Core, and I occasionally connect to it by RDP. I also have the machine automatically startup each morning at 8AM and shutdown at 1:30AM. So totally hands off. No keyboard, no mouse, no monitor. Now assume you can put that PC in a closet of a room where you do not listen to music. You need to connect this PC by direct Ethernet to your router or a network switch connected to your router. I will skip why for brevity. What about the noise of this cheap PC that spews into the Ethernet wire? I use a Sonore OpticalRendu with 2 of my 3 systems. This is a ROON READY streamer. For 1 of my systems, I have a $79 network switch in one room. This takes the potentially noisy Ethernet wire I have, from many networked connected PC’s, switching power suppliers, etc. and stops that noise from traveling to the DAC. A FIBRE Optical cable cannot carry electrical noise. This Fibre cable hooks up the $79 network switch (output) with the Sonore OpticalRendu (input). The Rendu then outputs the stream via USB to my DAC. There is a little inefficacy in that Optical to USB conversion, but I would think it would add minimal noise and there would be no noise going into the Rendu. For my second system, I do the same think but with a $199 Network Switch. I should have bought 2 or the $79 ones. BTW - Chris Connecker (sp?) the owner of ComputerAudiophile.com, has a similar streaming setup as mine. He reviews expensive music servers and I asked him why he bothers. I told him that he should compare his reference setup with and without an expensive music server. He said he would do a review on that one day. From a theoretical view, what I am doing should be really all you need. That is if someone can say that a dedicated music server does more that eliminate NOISE.