Amp suggestions for Avalon Radian HC

Just bought a pair of used Avalon Radian HC speakers and wondered if anyone can tell me which reasonably priced amp would best suit the old classics. I currently have a Tube Research ST-100 but I just wonder if they would be bettered served with something else?? Anyone out there have experience with this speaker. Any input would be appreciated.
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Some people have had good luck with hi-end tube amps. The Radian's need a lot of power.
The MIT 850 would make more of an upgrade than most any amp IMO.

Try an Audio Research amp? The dealer I bought my Spectral amps from feels that the only tube amp that can drive the Avalon speakers properly are the Audio Research.

Try to buy the MIT 850 Triads first, they need to be used with the speaker, than listen to see if you need more power. You will then have the cables if you change out amps.
I would recommend that if you stay with tubes also make sure to have tube pre-amp IMO.
If you lived in Alaska I would have you over to hear the difference.
I tried all sorts of audio research with my ascent ii.
CL120, VT150, CL150, VT200, VT130 with and without mods. While they can drive full range with no clipping they sounded pretty unmusical. Not even close to acceptable compared against TRL s100 mono.
Hello Carey,
I live in Anchorage. Been up here for 21 years now.
I moved up here from Denver.
Giving up already ? I had my ascents for many years before finally throwing in the towel. There are many great qualities of the Radian you will miss.