I had PL Dialogue Four diy modded/upgraded to latest spec with Takman carbon film, I also added MIflex coupling caps, ran with SED (1990's era, cryo'd) EL34 and NOS drivers. This in concurrent comparison to Coincident 845SET, custom built 300B monoblocks. And I've had plenty of nice push pull and SET previously. The PL, while not up to the far higher price SET's in my setup, didn't make me feel deprived in the least, I could have very satisfying longer listening sessions with PL.
PL is one of those good value components, within its price range one of the best. One would have to get really high end system for PL to be weak link. Could be end game solution, not a bad place to end for reasonable audiophile. Its all marginal gains past this point, law of diminishing returns kicks in.