i can compare Thiel 3.6 which i had in my main system for 10 years to Andra II's which are my reference speaker now, have never heard the 6's unfortunately.
The midrange and tweeter of the Andra is no comparison, the eggy's have that liquid presentation and smooth extension the Thiels can't quite muster. What shocked me the most was the transparency. Thiels disappear as well as any speakers but the Andra's leave the room. All that's left is music! That was the first thing I noticed when I hooked them up.
The Andra's have that big sound of a full range speaker, the 3.6's sound just slightly thin in the lower midrange and mid-bass. Do not know if that is a Thiel house sound or not, I suspect it is but can't be certain since I have not heard the upper models. Hope that helps and gives you some frame of reference.
The midrange and tweeter of the Andra is no comparison, the eggy's have that liquid presentation and smooth extension the Thiels can't quite muster. What shocked me the most was the transparency. Thiels disappear as well as any speakers but the Andra's leave the room. All that's left is music! That was the first thing I noticed when I hooked them up.
The Andra's have that big sound of a full range speaker, the 3.6's sound just slightly thin in the lower midrange and mid-bass. Do not know if that is a Thiel house sound or not, I suspect it is but can't be certain since I have not heard the upper models. Hope that helps and gives you some frame of reference.