Compare Paradigm speakers to....

I'm curious how others would compare Paradigm speakers to others in their price class? Any particular model or series. I recently heard a pair of Monitor 11s and felt they performed far better than the pair of Klipsh I was comparing to.
To Sthomas12321 and others: trust me folks -- my ears will bleed and distort before my S8s go shrill, if they ever do. Right now I am listening to the original soundtrack of Jersey Boys. The only thing "shrill" I will hear is my wife screaming at me to turn the da*n stereo off!!

I've said it 100 times before and I'll say it again, the S8s are the best kept secret in HI-FI and HI-END speakers on the market. The real problem isn't the speakers. It's the dealers. The profit margin on HI-END high priced speakers is greater than on the S8s. So you do the math. If you were a dealer, what would you rather sell?? A speaker priced liked a Chevy that drives like a Rolls Royce or a Rolls Royce that is priced . . . well like a Rolls Royce??

And for the record, I didn't research my speaker selection. I have no emotional attachment to a personal judgment call. I just fell into the S8s through dumb luck. But . . . if you A/B the S8s in a pure blind test set-up, you will be surprised, assuming of course that the amps and sound rooms are compatible with the S8s and the other brand "X" speaker.

I had the Studio 100v2 For a few years with some very decent gear.Never was happy with the sound,worked very good for HT,but not 2 ch w/tube pre.Heard the Monitor Audio Silvers and thought they were nicer .IMHO.Ive not heard the Sigs so I cannot comment on them.
Ray, the Sig 8s (w/ Be dome tweeter) are in another league compared to Paradigms lower end speakers. If you are interested or just curious, check the reviews. Mark Mickelson, TAB, loves the S8s.

Also Steven Stone did an unofficial unscientific survey of the top 25 speakers on the market last October. I think the article is in Audio Review or something to that effect. I almost fell out of my chair when I read that the S8s ranked 7 out of 25. And when you consider the competition, that says something! Not sure what, but it's something. FWIW
I owned Studio 100s versions one and two. I auditioned in home versions 3 and the S8. In hindsight they were simply affordable speakers that measured fairly well with highs that were never comfortable and decent bass. For me they never had any continuity, rather a distinct three way system.

During that time I was swapping electronics anticipating some magic synergy that never happened. As it turns out the electronics were just fine.

For the same money I bought a pair of old and used Avalon Acoustics Eclipse and my system finally began to play music. It wasn't until I had the Eclipse that I understood the shortcomings of the other speakers. I've been listening to Avalon speakers for almost twelve years.
My personal taste also tends towards the PSB at each price level. both are Canadian speakers and both have the benefit of using the National Labratory's anechoic chamber to test and tune their speakers. However, they do sound different. I also like the appearance of the PSB over the Paradigm, but could live with either. I currently use PSB Synchrony One, Stratus Gold, Stratus Silver, Image 65t and Image 4t and C9.