Advice on new headphone system please

     I'm buying a new headphone system.  I have a few combos I'm throwing at the community that are being contemplated.  These units will be new except for the Cambridge Audio CXU universal disc player I already own.  The system will be primarily used for red book listening.  I will be streaming with the Cambridge and a computer also along with copying a relatively large cd collection to high quality file.  A discreet streamer is in the near future.  Pre-owned systems are also an option.  This would save money which is always a plus.  These are the few systems I'm looking at.

     1)  Bryston BHA 1 headphone amp, Sennheiser HDV 820 headphones and either the Bryston BDA 2 DAC or the Cambridge Audio Dac Magic 200.  The Bryston DAC is on sale here.

     2)  The same system with the Rogue Audio RH5 headphone amp. 

     3)  I'm also looking at the Burson Conductor 3 Reference headphone amp, dac preamp.  I like seperates better though. 

     I take care of my mother, so closed back headphones are necessary.  I'm open to headphone suggestions.  I'm not crazy about planars yet will consider all suggestions.  Planars may be better with the tube Rogue.

     Interconnects are also needed.  The few I have are low quality.  I'm not into exotic cables.  Please advise on a set of decent RCA, Coaxial and balanced interconnects. A coaxial cable will be used from the cd player to the DAC, A decent set of balanced cables will be used from the DAC to the headphone amp.  A decent RCA is needed in order to use the DAC in the CXU.  I'd like to use this option too. I'm using the cables that come with the headphones for now as the headphones are expensive enough.  Still suggestions for balanced headphone cables are appreciated.

     Thank you for your time.     



I’m now looking at an amp advertised here.  It’s the Simaudio Moon Neo 430 HAD with built in dac.  Headphonewise the Focal Stellias would be a good combo.  Not having to buy a separate dac would open up room for the Stellias. Otherwise I really like the Woo Wa 22 2nd edition.  A dac would be necessary for this.  I would have to buy s used one here which I don’t mind at all.  Sennheiser 820’s look good for the tube amplifier .  I know I’m comparing a tube amp with solid state yet the Simaudio really caught my attention. Otherwise I’m going Woo/tubes.  I feel the Sennheiser’s would complement the tube amp and the Focal’s would only be affordable with the used Simaudio.  I do like the Focals.  Any comments would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks.

I have owned a number of headphone amps and stopped at the Simaudio 430HA.  Mine doesn't have the DAC, so I can't speak to the DAC.  The 430HA has a ton of clean power and will drive almost any headphones.  It's very neutral and detailed.  It has three inputs (including one balanced one), which is nice.  It allows me to listen to either my analog or digital source.  It has fixed and variable outputs, so you can use it as a preamp.  The volume control is one of the best things about it, it has 530 steps and allows you to precisely control the volume.  It also has high/low gain settings which are helpful for harder to drive cans. 

I have Focal Elex, Sennheiser HD 800, and Audeze LCD 4 headphones to name a few.  All very different, but the 430HA lets each of their strengths shine through and has more than enough power for any of them.  There's always something better, but once you get here, you're approaching the realm of diminishing returns.

Thanks Greg.  I’m seriously considering this amp.  It’s supposed to be on the slightly warm side of neutral?  This is important because I do not want a bright amp.  You mentioned neutral and detailed.  This is what I’m looking for also along with hopefully being on the warm side.  I know headphones make a difference too.  You also mentioned using the Focal eligia with this amp.  I’m looking into pairing this amp with the focal stellias.  I am stuck with closed back headphones with my living arrangements.  I’m used to closed back from my youth anyways.  I had the pioneer sx 680 receiver as my first stereo back in the days of my youth. I saved money from a newspaper route and cutting lawns as a 12 year old for this stereo.  I had the hpm 60 speakers. Anyhow, the headphone stage was half decent.  Nothing like a dedicated yet back then it sounded good.  My father had a set of acoustic research headphones and I had old Sonys.  They sounded great too.  I was just reminiscing about this system as I came across vintage systems online.  Off topic yet fun to think and talk about. This was the vinyl days.  I’ve been missing that warm analog sound vinyl produces.  Kind of expensive though.  One more question Greg.  What dac do you use with this amp?  Thanks again.