Aqua 'La Diva' ($9k) or Gryphon 'Ethos' ($39k) versus. Pro-Ject CD Box RS2 T ($3k)?

What sensible rationale is there for buying either of the two above-mentioned VERY COSTLY CD spinners (Aqua ’La Diva,’ a CD-only transport, and the Gryphon ’Ethos,’ a CD player with built-in DAC) when we can get the same pure Red-Book CD digital output from the Pro-Ject CD Box RS2 T for FAR less money?

What is a potential buyer getting for their significantly increased expenditure other than fancy packaging and possibly a boost to their egos from ownership of a prestige brand-name item? The one component (and a crucially-significant one at that) which all three of these products have in common is the new Philips-based Stream Unlimited CD Pro 8 CD player mechanism. Aside than that, what one appears to get with the two far-higher-priced components is little more than pure window-dressing, not substantive gains in performance over the CD Box RS2 T.

It is little wonder that one reviewer of the RS2 T thinks of it as nothing less than a "giant killer," in that it makes it nearly impossible for any level-headed purchaser, even one with the means to spend lavishly, to rationalize spending thousands of dollars more on these two competing products (or on others like them) when one can get the same sonic results (which from most reports are splendid) from the humble little CD Box.

Any thoughts? Do we audiophiles finally have good reason to come to our buying senses? To me, Pro-Ject Audio Systems may have struck a true winning vein with their CD Box when prospecting for gold.


@erictal4075     I have the AA CD transport Drive 1. I bought new from Galen Carol at least 15 years ago. It has never had a service or a failure. I love it's substantial feel and heft. At 25 lbs., it's a chunk. And it has always delivered the goods sonically. I'd buy the new Ref Drive II in a heartbeat if not for the insurmountable cost factor. The Drive I has been a rock for me.

@ acresverde: Yours is the best tribute I can imagine anyone giving a piece of audio equipment they have owned and used for as long as you have, your AA CD Drive 1 - with no problems whatsoever! Says a lot about the quality of your transport and the excellence of its design, as well as the care you’ve given it.

I suppose at this point your transport won’t have much trade-in value against the cost of a new CD Drive 2 - but the fact that it still performs as well and sounds as great as it does is a huge plus.

Now we are all waiting with bated breath for charles1dad to give us his report on how his Pro-Ject CD Box RS2 T sounds since he received his new linear power supply for it! I’m sure he’s giving it time to break itself in before he says anything about the difference it makes to the sound compared to that from his original "wall-wart" switching power supply.


I've have about 50 hours on my Fidelizer Nikola 2 LPS (Manufacturer said 200 hours for complete burn-in). Directly out of the shipping box with  the initial listening exposure a few things were apparent within the first few hours and have gotten gradually better. In my opinion the Pro-Ject RS2 transport sounds excellent with the standard wall wart power supply. If someone decided to stop there they'd have a top level performing CD transport. 

With the use of the Nickola 2 LPS there is not a "night and day" difference.  It did not cause the wall wart powered Pro-Ject to sound broken.  There are clearly noticeable improvements that elevate the sound quality from an already high standard. 

1 The sound presentation opens up and the 3-dimensional aspect is heightened.  

2 You are aware of distinct spacing and separation between the musicians.

3 Dynamic contrast is improved particularly lower level or micro dynamics,  the overall sound is more nuanced. The subtle and small details are more apparent. 

4 What's already excellent resolving ability is taken further. 

5 The very good organic nature of the transport becomes more  organic and the musical flow is just impressively natural. The antithesis of mechanical/electronic/canned.

6 The Pro-Ject straight out of the box with the wall wart has beautiful natural tonality of instruments and human voice.  This my top sonic priority. I was actually surprised that this was improved. Wonderful fleshed out harmonically rich and fully expressed tone and timbre. Increased instrument reverberation and a very tactile/palpable presentation. 

This is what I hear specifically with the Fidelizer Nikola 2 LPS. I suspect that other high quality LPS would do similar things. The Pro-Ject CD BOX RS2 transport with a very good LPS similar to mine paired with a high DAC is going to provide "superb " Redbook CD playback sound quality. 


@ charles1dad : Thank you for sharing with us your updated impressions - it's good for those who prefer to stick with their switching-power-supply wall-warts to know that they're not missing out on too much, while those of us, like myself, who are upgrading to quality linear power supplies for our RS2 transports, have some subtle yet not insignificant new sonic experiences to look forward to.

This is what I'd call a "win-win" situation all around.


 This is what I'd call a "win-win" situation all around

Yes! Excellent baseline can be further improved. 
