Is Rap a valid musical form?

This has been way more than the progression away from tubes to SS!

Believe the world of Hip Hop has been around and evolving for around 5 decades.

And for most of that time I have dismissed and avoided that world and its “music”.

So angry, offensive and abrasive. Just a bunch of rhythmic yelling.

I believe my former thread was titled “Why Rap?”.  Through that discussion and somewhat of an understanding that this must be a new art form that engages and entertains millions if not billions. That and a long standing belief that if a type of music or a particular artist attracts many, many fans there must be substance and quality there. Even if I personally don’t particularly like it there must be something there.

Rap and the Hip Hop world was always so foreign and culturally untouchable.

Then my Rap thread and several others at that time got me rethinking my perspective and I watched a video of a group of student performance musicians at Juilliard all exclaiming their fascination with a Rap artist named Kendrick Lemar and his “masterpiece” “To Pimp a Butterfly”. I bought the double LP. Trying to listen to it turned out to be difficult because of my old view of Rap and that of the world of Hip Hop. But it was also becoming clear that this was truly something of significant interest. However, I just listened to the two discs only once-with some difficulty.

Today, after several weeks, I hesitatingly pulled the album out again. And to my surprise and actually delight hearing it with fresh ears it grabbed me and would not let go. I immediately heard the brilliance of a multi faceted, and to me, all new experience in sound. Not unlike great 20th century or progressive Jazz it evolved from section to section with a plethora of fascinating, yes musical, experiences. Tonal, atonal, percussive, rhythmic, breathing combined with incredible, energetic tongue twisting strings of mostly unintelligible words. And not merely angry yelling.

Sure, a ton of F bombs but words that don’t flow over you like lovely other genres but invade the psyche and don’t let go. Not particularly pleasant but gripping and interesting in its complexity. Words delivered with such power and drive which acted as a rhythmic counterpoint. It was impossible to turn away or turn off. 
And speaking of turned off, the experience was the opposite of that. Stories of life undeniable human. Yes, driven by bitterness, anger and raw emotion. Impossible to  dismiss it as not deeply felt.

I do think “To Pimp a Butterfly” is unique. But I also believe that there must be much more in this Hip Hop world that has deep musical interest. Some time ago I heard Drake on SNL perform a song that was amazing though not really Rap. Rather an advanced and unconventional musical form. I hear similar musical threads throughout “Pimp”. I did get a CD of Drake. “Scorpion”. I also could not absorb it in my first listen. I look forward to the next, fresh listen. I did try to hear several YouTubes of some very successful Rap artists. They mostly lacked the interesting musical themes threaded through. “Pure Rap” with just the rhythmic words-not my cup of tea. But a musically valid form none the less.




@bubba_buoy @brandonhall +1

I tried to come up with five songs worth listening to (above). Discuss (since you listen)

(and @larsman and @stuartk absolutely tortured me over an ill-conceived Dead analogy)

@serjio please take 15 minutes of your life and try something new. In turn, I will listen to 15 minutes of any music that you recommend to me. In fact, just make a recommendation, because there’s nothing better than discovering new music

Those here who are discounting the validity of all rap or hip-hop are being slightly disengenuous. They are each quite familiar with those traditional raps: “Get off my lawn” and “Too many voters don’t look like me”.

(Come on, lighten up everyone. Everything is valid to those to whom its valid)

Lol @ every geezer posting some variation of "Rap is crap" thinking they’re super witty 😂

A lot of you old blokes are doing it wrong. You’re trying to listen to hip hop through your single ended triode amps. What trash. Get yourself an 80’s era boom box, put that on your shoulder, and strut around your retirement community flexing the classic hip hop jams.

If that makes you feel self-conscious, just slap some Fox News stickers on there and you’ll blend right in.

This retired person had the stereo that played good bass.  The rest is history.  I have heard lots of it.  I tried.  I do like Tupac, BIG, and others.  Not a fan of the synthetic bass, a cymbal and a vocalist.  So I like the ones that are more musical.  My son explained East, Wesrt, Detroit, gangsta and various others. To say it is not music is being narrow minded.  I don't like slow jazz trio,  I don't care for much chamber music. So there is a button called "next".