ITUNES v7 any good?

I'm running ITUNES v6.something, and was looking forward to upgrading to v7, but early reviews of v7.0 were pretty grim. Seems like it was much slower to run, and very buggy. Are any of you running the latest v7.x (I think it's v7.2). How is it going? How does it compare? I'm actually holding off on upgrading to 2G nano because it requires the controversial v7.x.
not much controversy IMHO - works just fine - interface is a bit cleaner in some areas (iPod interface) and of course it handles video. It has the album browser thingy which used to be a separate app - worthless but pretty.

basically Apple hasn't done anything new with audio - all about the store, the video etc - no worries it will be a pleasant change and I would be amazed if it slowed you down - tell you the truth when Apple puts out a rev I just do it - of course with a new OS its a bit bigger deal but this is simple
When I purchased the Nano 1G I thought (use it when I exercise, mostly) I'd NEVER fill up the 250 tune capacity. Not near it. Well, lo and behold, I filled (220 songs, because the songs were obviously pretty lengthy- 250 is really just an estimate, which I didn't know at the time.) it up pretty quickly. Just won an Apple Store refurbished Nano 2G on Ebay. The Nano should be here tomorrow and I, already, have 280 tunes in my itunes Library waiting for the new Nano. Half purchased and have imported. I love this little baby.
I actually have had nothing but trouble with v7.2. My issues were songs would skip during playback and would sometimes sound compressed and muffled. This would only be corrected by a reboot and then would happen again shortly. It got so frustrating, I went back to v6 and the problems disappeared. This also happened with my good friend's machine. He has a fairly new DELL Laptop and I have a 4 month old HP Media Laptop.

Apple is apparently aware of these issues but has not released a patch yet. I would suggest sticking with v6 until that update is released.
