ITUNES v7 any good?

I'm running ITUNES v6.something, and was looking forward to upgrading to v7, but early reviews of v7.0 were pretty grim. Seems like it was much slower to run, and very buggy. Are any of you running the latest v7.x (I think it's v7.2). How is it going? How does it compare? I'm actually holding off on upgrading to 2G nano because it requires the controversial v7.x.
I actually have had nothing but trouble with v7.2. My issues were songs would skip during playback and would sometimes sound compressed and muffled. This would only be corrected by a reboot and then would happen again shortly. It got so frustrating, I went back to v6 and the problems disappeared. This also happened with my good friend's machine. He has a fairly new DELL Laptop and I have a 4 month old HP Media Laptop.

Apple is apparently aware of these issues but has not released a patch yet. I would suggest sticking with v6 until that update is released.

I had some issues running iTv7 on an XP machine--most notably getting it to work with my Emu 0404 soundcard. Finally got a fix that worked, but it required some messing around in non-intuitive ways. That said, it does support multiple libraries, which, for me, is a huge help. I used to have duplicates of everything in my library--an AAC file for d/ling to my iPod, and an ALAC for listening at home. The problem was slower scrolling, etc as iT tried to deal with the volume of files. Now, I can shift-double click on iT icon, and it asks me which library I want as it opens... Pretty useful feature for me.
Here's a little Nano question for you. Art, I hope you don't mind? When playing tunes in the "shuffle" mode, is there a way that I can stop the music so that the Nano can pick up in the same shuffle mode where it left off when I'm ready to listen again? warren :)