Suggest your most desired MSRP $1,500-$3,000 Stand Mount for a Shootout.

We are gathering a list of eight speakers to compare in two live events in

June 2022. Post covid we hope!


Trying to gather models which are not readily available for audition.


Please submit your One suggestion here. 

I will begin with my One -KLH Model 5. MRSP $2,000.


Thanks for the help!


thanks @chorus, got it

i am curious to know, when time comes, what amp(s) you end up using for the demos

I second Sioux’s suggestion of the LSA-10 Statements.  I have found them to sound balanced throughout their range.  Also, they do better with lower frequencies than many stand-mount speakers.  Lovely cabinet and finish.  I haven’t personally heard the lower-priced LSA-10 signature, but the specs are similar and the reviews are solid.  I think the main difference is upgraded tweeter and crossover in the Statement. 

I really love the sealed-box speakers from Studio Electric.  Their M4s are standmounts in your price range and would be great to include in your comparison.  I understand that these are the monitors that Dan Wright of ModWright uses.
