Antique Sound Labs

A recent post on Chinese tube amps jogged my memory of this brand.  I'm a SS guy, so all I know about them is that they created a minor sensation 20+? years ago with an 8 watt tube monoblock amp for $99.  They seemed pretty prolific, with an array of amps using a variety of tubes.

Did they survive their brush with tube world fame (hah!) and the resulting demand for product?  Are they still around in a meaningful way?  Any opinions out there on their gear and place in the market?


I spoke to Tash Goka (owner of Divergent Technologies & former North American distributor for Antique Sound Lab) a few years back and he said that Antique Sound Lab was no longer in business.  Perhaps he meant that Joseph Lau,  owner of ASL, has decided to get into another business.  I still own my ASL Wave 25 tube monoblocks as well as my ASL MG Head DT headphone amplifier,  now 21 years old,  and enjoy these audio components very much.  Antique Sound Lab was a force to be reckoned  with in the world of hi end audio back in the 1990's, and much of the 2000's, receiving many awards for their outstanding products.  Including a few from The Absolute Sound audio magazine.

I was sorry to learn that they are no longer selling products in North America.

To this day, my main amplifier is an ASL MG SI 15 DT integrated (5 wpc triode/15 wpc pentode) that drives a pair of Belle Klipsch horn-loaded speakers (104 db SPL).  It's a very capable little unit, and also has the subwoofer out jacks - a necessity with the Belles.  If memory serves, initial models retailed in the $600 range; later versions were closer to $1000.  I'll eventually upgrade, but it might be among the last components to go.  At their price point, they were a good way to get into tube amplification.  (I believe ASL were among the earliest Chinese-manufactured tube amps).


Are those the ones made by Dennis Haad from Cary fame?

You are thinking of Audio Electric Supply. 

Still have 4 ASL Hurricanes in use today Haven't had any issues with them, in a Bi-amps system.

Would pry pickup a spare set eventually.

Still have 4 ASL Hurricanes...

A very well-respected amp. I don't think there is anything in them that can't be repaired with basic electronic parts, but I could be wrong.