Upgrade Audio Aero Prima with mods?

I really liked the sound of the AA Prima when demoing, and recently acquired one here on A-gon. I hope it sounds great in my system as well. Here is my question: I purchased this unit hoping to use the analog out to replace my preamp, or at least see if I like a direct volume control. If it works, I will sell the preamp and put the money toward upgrading the Prima with mods, or possibly a better CDP (budget $2200 used).

Does anyone here have experience with an upgraded Prima? I could probably get a good upgrade package for around $1000 extra, and a used Capitole would cost me $2500 extra. Would the mods likely get close to the performance of the Capitole or a similiarly priced unit? I don't expect miracles, but it would be nice if it were 90-95% of the way there. I currently have an $1800 (retail) source in a $12K (retail) system, and I would like to get the front end up to "the point of diminishing returns". I just don't have $3500 (used price) to spend on a CDP. If I upgrade it, I would be keeping it for the forseeable future.
If you're referring to the GNSC mods, I think you will be happy. Steve can walk you through the changes he will make and what you should expect to hear. I would suggest you give him a call to discuss.
I was thinking about the GNSC mods for the Prima, but hadn't yet spoken with Steve. I had also spoken with the gentleman at The Upgrade Company, who had mentioned that he has done several Prima mods. As he explained it, his mods more or less involve swapping out the cheap stop-gap parts that are used to keep costs down with higher-end, but similiarly-sounding replacement parts. According to him, the "house sound" of the unit shouldn't change.
There are occasional referances to a Capitole mod and I believe those who have done it are pleased with the results.
That is a tough question, and I tend to agree with Tvad but... GNSC can do some great things with digital. I havent heard a GNSC modded Prima though, so take what I say with a grain of salt. I personally consider the "other modder" you mention a somewhat risky proposition.
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