China built tube amps

Well I had an interesting conversation today. I contacted a large dealer and let him know I would like to buy a certain integrated tube amplifier that is made in China. I was told he wouldn't sell me one. He said they are all junk.  Prima Luna, Line Magnetic, Cayin, etc, etc, he said forget it. If you want a tube amplifier buy an American or European built unit that can be serviced.

So, I am new to valve amplifiers and I want to try one to understand what they're all about and sort of get my feet wet with tube rolling etc. I don't want to spend a lot of money at first which is why I was looking at Chinese built integrateds. So my question is, without getting into any particular brand other than what I have already mentioned, what is your experience with Chinese built tube amps? As a whole are they reliable? Am I wasting my money if I buy one according to this dealer? I have to admit I was rather taken aback by how adamant he was. Thoughts anyone?


Whoa, I like politics as much as anyone but the mods will close this thread if it strays into it. Let's stick with amplifiers. I did some research on the Carvers today but Bob doesn't make an integrated...bummer!

I own both China and USA tube amps. Both offer excellent results. All that I own are point to point wired. Not a cheep way to build an amp. Disregard the dealers advice. He is Uneducated regarding quality and affordable tube amps.

Cheap no and I do not have any China built gear in my systems now.

I have had in the past and I have no rub on the China gear.

Prefer US made and EU gear.

Categorizing all Chinese-built tube amps as junk is really painting with a broad brush.  I have bought junk stuff from all over the globe, thank you.  Recently I bought an inexpensive Chinese tubed headphone amp with an onboard DAC; the brand was XuanZu, and it arrived in less than a week to the US and was well-built and sounded great for the $168 I paid for it.  I now have a $3500 Auralic Vega, Chinese built, that is massive and the best DAC I have heard, and a $1000 Quicksilver headphone amp, built not in China according to an earlier post but here in Stockton, CA.  So yes the Auralic and Quicksilver pair sound considerably better but darned well should for 27 times the XuanZu price.  It is good to know that scaling in prices usually, but not always, results in better sound, i.e. there is order in the universe.  I would not hesitate to buy Chinese-built audio products.

I have a vintage Dynaco ST70 still with the Dynaco tubes in it. Sweet sounds come from this little USA jewel. I also had a pair of the VTA monoblocs based on the Dynacos and man those things were awesome beasts. Swapped the Sovtek  kt88 for some Gold Lions and they were amazing. Both are made or kit built in the US and are quite affordable options.Just one man’s experience.