I’m just past the 100 hour burn-in point with the Fidelizer Nikola 2 LPS. It is obviously evolving and continuing to improve its sound quality. Take what I wrote in my last post (50 hours) and honestly add an additional 10% improvement. As impressively good the Pro-Ject is with its supplied SMPS wall wart, the high quality LPS is simply the superior choice.
That is saying a lot but is the unadulterated truth. Given the progression I am hearing, I unequivocally recommend obtaining a good LPS. I wouldn’t try to go cheap here. Power supply quality is too important and vital to acquiring good sound. It will advance the Pro-Ject RS2 transport to its fullest sonic potential. The manufacturer told me 200 hours to achieve complete burn-in of this LPS, so I’m halfway there.
How much more is there to gain? I’ll find out. This Pro-Ject with LPS is a tremendous package. Truly stunningly good sound quality. An exceptional audio value if there ever was one.