Making speakers sound tonally similar with an equalizer

Can two different speakers be made to sound similar by adjusting their frequency response to mirror each other with an equalizer? I'm sure it's not as simple as that but would it be possible. 

Can one, for example, reproduce a harbeth like sound by doing that?

Just curious.


No.  An equalizer can not remedy slow transient response, compressed dynamics or many other characteristics.

Lots of EQ experts here, but how many of them have actually used one? Great review on the Loki Mini+ in this months TAS. I hope all the “experts” here read the review.

I use my loki to reduce some of the digital glare and to also add midbass to my proac d30r.  Without it, string instruments sound a bit anemic. Much cheaper than to replace the speakers imo.


Roon has an eq feature. I tried to remove a frequency in the 2-4k range that drove me crazy with a pair of speakers. I found it actually ended up being a resonance or property of too much being expected of a bass driver playing this frequency. I also tried the Fozgate tube buffer on another speaker, but it took away from the transparency of the system- added more connections, wires, outlets, etc. 

Roon does have an EQ headphone catalog where they've tried to match the sound of various headphones. Interesting feature- anyone payed with that?

It would be great if we could buy a $5,000 speaker and add the Alexia EQ, or change that EQ to the Rockport Lyra for the day. I'd like an 8 foot pair of horn please.