Any experiences with the Mcintosh MC901 monos?

Hi all, I was wondering if anyone had any experiences with these gorgeous amplifiers? Prefarably from owners, but also if you heard them at a show, at dealer,…

If possible also share with what speakers they are paired, and in what configuration they work best for you (with the crossover, overlapping, crossover bypassed etc)

I saw them once at a dealer and was absolutely in love with the design, but unfortunately they were not hooked up yet, so I did not have a chance to hear them…



Well you would need two extra powercords and an extra interconnect all of good quality and something to match the gain… also no crossover so all amps get the full signal to amplify…

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Blue sky walker… i’ve been Bi amping these Mcintosh products for years. The guy is at McIntosh factory told me that the gain is not an issue. The crossover is in the speakers and I use all stock chords with average quality interconnects. I’ve never listen to them against the 901 side by side but the difference in price is pretty substantial,   that might justify the difference. It was just a thought, when the 901s came out I wanted to set real bad but I couldn’t justify spending the money. Using rough math there is approximately a $17,000 difference between using two MC 601s And one MC 275 horizontally. I’m not looking for a fight was just an exercise in sound versus budget



Hello Raysmtb1, no offence taken, your idea seems very good!

It seems the 901 is based indeed on the 601 for the transistor part, but on the 2301 for the tube part, so that would make the costs about similar I think?

It seems few people have heard these amps, let alone own them…

I would have liked some comparisons, in the sense of people having heard the same setup with the mc901 and some other high end amps, stating whats better or worse etc…