PS Audio BHK Signature Preamp?

Little or no user experience reported on this one that I can find.

Any fans out there?


@hickamore great question on what other preamps I've compared to the BHK

Your question provoked a run down preamp memory lane

Full transparency I've only compared it with other preamps that I've owned, which happens to be all PSA since 1993

That's not because I'm a PSA evangelist, bigot or schill but more to do with the performance and reliability of the products 

My first sperate was a PSA 6.1 preamp and was my primary from 1993-2006

In 2006 I upgarded to the PSA Trio P-200 and in 2021 the BHK

With each upgrade the SQ improvements were immediate and impactful and left little doubt that the increased performance exceeded the increased cost, thus I didn't quibble or look at other manufacturers 

The current MSRP of the P-200 is slightly more than I paid for it in 2006.  Though this is currently influenced by post pandemic supply chain constriants and rising costs of new gear, not many products can make that claim

Also if you look at the background of the engineer that designed the BHK, I find it impressive and extensive.  Bascom has been designing longer than I've been listening, when he says 'this is the best preamplifier I've ever designed or heard'

I liked the idea of benefitting from his experience

Lastly I align with the guiding principle of the product design objective at PSA

Per the PSA founder himself - What we hope for in any piece of hi-fi equipment is sonic transparency. We get there by practicing the Hippocratic oath, ‘First, do no harm’,

Some may debate that I've developed blind faith in PSA products, or a sucker of brillant marketing tag lines, or have a soft spot for engineers who's best work is behind them

I prefer to think that the SQ quality of my kit has evolved as PSA products have evolved, but what I know for certain is these products have served me well and have brough great joy to my listening experience for going on 30 years

Thanks for the trot down memory lane😀

@stevewharton Whatever other mfrs may be doing, at least we know PSA has been constantly improving. Thx for sharing.