Add my thanks, @mulveling !
Now what's all this about the future of Tannoy?
Tannoy Stirlings on the way!
Add my thanks, @mulveling ! Now what's all this about the future of Tannoy? |
Accuphase kit interests me, but I've never heard any of it. From what I've read/heard people say, it seems like they have an atypical class-A sound; cooler, flatter, a bit recessed by comparison. I'm working from memory here, but I think that's a pretty fair summary of what I've seen. None of that is inherently bad. It all depends on the rest of the system and the room and the listener's preference. It's just atypical for class A. Have you found that to be the case with it driving your Canterbury's? |
TM-Steve Guttenberg visited Nelson Pass and did a 3 part youtube video a couple years ago. Reason I mention it is that it you may help you decide on an amp. Hint- Pass voices his amps using modified Tannoys. Pass also refers to his amps as somewhat "tubey" sounding.
Maybe the reason Steve at Decware did not respond is that his company is working on a 800 unit backlog of orders last I checked. So if I was buying from them now I would not be worried about an ignored email but rather what stresses are added to his construction process and will they be detrimental to the QC or SQ.
I had a Carey Tube amp and an Audible Illusions preamp powering my Tannoy FSMs. Sound was great but while the one the amps was in for repair I ran across a set of Pass Amp Camp mini Monoblocks-6 wpc- for $300 assembled. After hearing the added detail I decided to buy an XA25 used. Loved it then shopped for a pre and decided to just buy the INT25. Had it 14 months now and do not think I need go back to the Tube grind. Although you may lose some detail and bass with tubes, you do get some extra magic which sometimes makes me wonder.
So I have a pair of stand mounts in on trial now. Thought was to a/b them to the Tannoys and see if I could enjoy some sort of a new "Beryllium" sound and placate the wife with a smaller replacement. She bought in suspiciously quickly. FYI- I do employ a REL Tx5 sub with the Tannoys. Not so much for the extra depth but for the enhanced soundstage. Love that little guy and it is so small the wife hardly notices. 2 1/2 weeks left on the new speaker trial. May have to keep them both. Will post again in early Feb. as deadline approaches.
One last thing for TM- The new Luxman INTs I have heard sounded pretty darn good. Love to have someone a/b Pass to Lux. on the Class A sound. I wonder if your Mac and the Tannoy might be too warm/passing up too much material? Not familiar with that Mac.
Sorry for the novel but I think I had something for several posters.