The hunt is over

I feel that way. Who else reached the endgame? Feels terrific. 


I’m about 50% of the way there with my system, but as you’ve got an Auralic Aries I thought I’d share something I’ve been playing with on mine. I am in no way knowledgeable about in-room frequency response etc, however my system wasn’t producing all the bass I knew it was capable of. My plan is to get room treatments in but before spending a chunk of cash on that I purchased an app called HouseCurve from the App Store (not sure if it’s on android).

This app sends out a tone signal from the system and you place the phone in the listening position. That gives you a very rough frequency response, given it isn’t professional grade mics etc, and that gives you a starter for ten on where the big dips and peaks are. I was then able to use the parametric EQ in the Aries to bump those by 1 db or less and the difference was staggering. It balanced out the sound much more and gave me that low end presence that I was looking for. 

I'm not suggesting this is a do it all process, however for those who love to tweak things, it is a super cheap way to use the tech in your streamer even more without having to be a sound engineer. I found it very fun and rewarding for a tiny outlay.

If I do ever get there which I and not saying I am or not saying I am not. I think to make such a bold statement would wake up the Gods of jinx and karma. Amps would blow capacitors. Speaker foam would rot, albums would warp. And ears would fill with wax. So be careful with you proclamation the Gods are listening to more than the music. 

Speaking of fishing, every time I see the word "bass" as it applies to audio, my head says "bass" as it applies to the fish.

Bass guitar, The double bass, bass clarinet, bass baritone

It’s all about fish in my head....then my head says: "recalculating."


It would be informative as to the "whys" of your decision.

What coincides with your audio preferences?

Some people like a lot of bass and go fishing often.

I don’t think my end game system is here but I’m really enjoying what I have. My pocket book says it should be over lol.