Calling out spatial audio m3 sapphire owners!

Hi I am living in Europe and are very interested in the M3’s

as I can’t return them and also have to pay 33% in import taxes I have to be pretty sure that this speaker is for me. 
First I have the Tekton Double Impacts and what I like about them is the big soundstage. Nearly all others speakers sounds small compared to them.  Big soundstage is very important for me. Also they are very sensitive around 96db in 4 ohm. I need a sensitive speakers because I have a 24w SET amp. 
I am searching for a speaker that doesn’t have the insane amount of bass my DIs have. Also there are some strange coloration somewhere in the midband. I can’t but my finger on it but it has staid there with different components.
I have a well treated room and the speakers are 1,5m out in the room. 
So are you happy wit the m3 and what inn your opinion are there strength and weaknesses?

If you go over to Audio Circle you will quickly learn that these speakers take 500 hours before you really know what they will sound like… so any review right out of the box is meaningless. 

I spent 6 hours over 2 days listening to them through a Lyngdorf set up both digital and analog. The speakers had 500 hours on them. Under 85 db they were the most alive speaker I’ve ever heard in someone’s home. Above 85db the were a little bright on some recordings… and it might have been the room. 15’x18’x10’ vaulted ceilings. No treatments… speakers 42” out 7’ apart and 7’ from listening position. 

if you want to rock out to Metal loud… maybe not… otherwise, these are very impressive. Most speakers sound like great high fi… these actual do sound like real music. 

i have maggie 1.7i's now, in place of my former pair of spatial m3 sapphires

they are both dipole radiators but that is where the similarity starts and ends, they could not present the music more differently

If the Spatial Sapphires are anything like the X5s then they take forever to break in.  I have just gone through this process and my X5s improved thru 500 hours.  I am wearing out the tubes in my Sachs preamp breaking them in. 

I don’t think it’s the “tweeters” in the X or the M series that are the long break in culprets ( probably less than 100 hours for them).  Its getting those pro audio woofers loosened up. But when it happens and everything is singing together it’s pretty special.