Speakers vs. headphones

I’ve spent many, many years building a stereo system that I finally can say I’m satisfied with, but recently had to make a change due to a complaint of “too much noise” in the house.  So, headphones were the answer.  
After just a few days of listening with a middling headphone (HIFIMAN Ananda) and inexpensive DAT (Firefly Cobalt,) I find myself enjoying (and getting into) the music  more.  Of course my system objectively is much better and cost light years more.  However, I find there is a certain intimacy, seemingly being closer to the music, and of course no distracting audible room effects to deal with. 
I’m not giving up speaker listening but what a pleasant surprise.


Who knew?

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I owned them 30 years it was my first quality heeadphone before the 7 others...

But they were very good.... All were diferent but Beyerdynamic DT950 pro was a gem...

I am almost tempted to buy one another time...Even if i dont need them...One of my favorite...

Over the years I’ve put about 40 K in my system . Not that much .

I hear more in every way in ByerDynamic 990pro that cost 150$ and

has been on market for 20 years . Stupid !

Always told a buddy didn’t like it on my head , he said , try one month

and I’ll pay for it .

Being honest man(usually) I said he was right in less than 3 weeks .REALLY Stupid !!