Suggest your most desired MSRP $1,500-$3,000 Stand Mount for a Shootout.

We are gathering a list of eight speakers to compare in two live events in

June 2022. Post covid we hope!


Trying to gather models which are not readily available for audition.


Please submit your One suggestion here. 

I will begin with my One -KLH Model 5. MRSP $2,000.


Thanks for the help!


Jist- At $9k in you should have a system which produces pretty darn

good sound. If you want better speakers to go with an amp you already own

that may up your $ need.

So tell us your system, room size, db listen at, music pref.

Plenty of well meaning folks here to mislead you! haha


PSSST-Fyne 500 is already on the list.

with 4 other pair in the room, will you be shorting the inactive drivers ?