....it's probably just had a 'Depends Moment'....😏
If friend is a 'phile that you've 'experienced' his array multiple times AND been queried "What'ya think?" before (and not come to blows over it) is a place where a succinct analysis is expected.
If friend is not of the above....a little trepidation on your part on resorting to details of the ducks' walk may make for repeated sessions...or not.
I haven't been asked for an detailed opinion for nearly 2 decades now.
Currently, I seem to live in an area that lacks 'obvious 'philes' ( if such exists; there's a bit of 'pro audio' about, just as 'clannish' as 'philes in some ways...).
Nearest 'audio club' seems to be in Raleigh, a 4 hr. r/t...and doesn't answer emails when last attempted....I suppose they've all gone deaf or dead...*L*