Anyone pairing Cornwall IVs with solid state amplification to good results?

Because I have an obsessive need to try out all sorts of gear, I paired my Cornwall IVs with a nice Marantz PM KI Ruby integrated.  What surprised me was I actually liked a Class D design at a "reasonable price" and the resulting sound is more than livable.  It's a great pairing. 

There's little chance I sell off my tube museum of gear and valves, but this experiment was a pleasant surprise.  I have now tried them with push pull EL 34, KT88/KT120, KT150, 300 B, and Class A solid state, and Class D solid state. 

Any of you out there in hifi land using a solid state amplifier with Cornwall IVs or a horn loaded speaker to great effect?   I am appreciative to hear your experience. 


@bjesien , YES!!!  You not playing around. That is one capable integrated. 

question—What’s your experience like with that amp? 

I’m curious as to when you got, for what setup, what you like it with the CWIVs.  I know you may be busy so no worries if you can’t comment. 

For $349 the new Topping PA5 integrated amp can’t be beat! Class D 48/83 wpc @8/4 ohms. Will do 100+ watts at clipping. Why spend more?